本人王云,女,身份证号码xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 护照号码Gxxxxxxxxxx)。现委托李代女士 (身份证号码xxxxxxxxxxxx) 前往英国沈阳签证申请中心领取本人护照等申请材料。



  委托人(签字): 王云

  代取人(签字): 李代


  Authorization Certificate

  To Whom It May Concern,

  By this letter, I (ID No.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Passport No.Gxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) nowauthorize Ms. Dai Li (ID No.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) to go to the UK visa application centre inShenyang to claim my passport and other related documents.

  The Authorization Certificate shall come into force on the date of my signature and shall remain to June 16,20xx.

  For any questions, please reach me on .

  Signature of Applicant: Yun Wang

  Signature of Representatives: Dai Li

  Date: June 2, 20xx